
Fachhochschule Bern

Partnerhochschule der 亚洲天堂福利

脺ber die Fachhochschule Bern

Entdecke die vielf盲ltige Schweizer Kultur und die wundersch枚ne Natur des Schweizer Mittellandes und erlebe ein bereicherndes Auslandssemester an der Fachhochschule Bern!
Tauche ein in eine Atmosph盲re der Exzellenz und Innovation an einer renommierten Hochschule, die praktisches Lernen und akademische Qualit盲t vereint. Mit einer breiten Palette an Studieng盲ngen, Weiterbildungsangeboten, Forschung, Entwicklung und Dienstleistungen bietet die FH Bern mit rund 7.829 Studierenden die ideale Plattform, um deine akademischen F盲higkeiten und dich pers枚nlich weiterzuentwickeln. Nutze die Chance, die Sch枚nheit der Schweiz zu entdecken, die N盲he zu Frankeich zu nutzen, neue Freundschaften zu kn眉pfen und deine interkulturellen Kompetenzen zu st盲rken. Bern ist nicht nur idyllisch gelegen, sondern auch das politische Zentrum des Landes und zieht mit seiner Altstadt, die Teil des Unesco-Welterbes ist, G盲ste aus aller Welt an.
Das International Office der FH Bern steht dir in der Planung des Auslandaufenthaltes gerne zur Seite und informiert dich 眉ber SEMP- das Stipendienprogramm der Schweiz.

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Interessiert an einem Auslandssemester an dieser Institution? Bitte kontaktiere das International Office der 亚洲天堂福利 unter international(at)hsba.de und erbitte Zugang zum Team "Outgoings" wo relevante Informationen zu dieser Destination wie Semesterdaten, Kurslisten, Erfahrungsberichte, die Anzahl der zur Verf眉gung stehenden Pl盲tze und weiteres zu finden sind. 

Accommodation: A student from Switzerland was doing a semester abroad during the same period and informed the International Office at FH Bern about subletting her room. This information was shared with us incoming students, and I was able to rent the room as a result.
Transportation: A single train ticket in Switzerland is expensive, so I recommend getting a Half-Fare Card (Halbtax) to travel at half price. For trips with friends, the Friends Day Pass is also a good option to explore the beautiful Swiss countryside.
Food: Eating out at a restaurant in Switzerland is quite expensive, so I cooked a lot for myself or ate at the FH Bern cafeteria.
Activities: You can swim at any time in the Aare River, which flows directly through Bern, and float along while enjoying the view of the Federal Palace. In winter, I went skiing on most of my free days as the Jungfrau region is not too far away. Evenings can be spent in various pubs and bars in Bern.

Charlotte Miedow
Year Group 2022, BSc Business Administration, with AON Versicherungsmakler Deutschland GmbH

Accommodation: I sublet a room in a shared apartment, which turned out to be slightly less expensive. If you鈥檙e looking for a room in a shared flat, I recommend the following platforms: wgzimmer.de or RonOrp.
Transportation: The BFH is centrally located in Bern at Marzili, and you can easily reach it on foot from the main station. I recommend getting a Half-Fare card (Halbtax) for public transport, and traveling with a group of friends can get you great discounts on train tickets. 
Food: Food is quite similar, and as commonly known, Swiss people love their cheese. 
Activities and more: Through ESN, you will easily meet many new people and experience different cultures. They organize many great activities to participate in. Students lodges also host meetups, making it easy to socialize. Switzerland and its cities offer many great things. Nature lovers will particularly enjoy it, as Switzerlandis famous for its beautiful Alps, skiing, snowboarding, and 鈥淪chlitten鈥 in the winter, as well as hiking, swimming, and city trips in the summer.

Lydia Br盲uer
Year Group 2022, BSc Business Administration, with Tchibo GmbH