
Interview mit Alumnus & Foodist-Gründer Alexander Djordjevic

Dieses Mal haben wir mit unserem Alumnus und Foodist-Gründer Alexander Djordjevic gesprochen und ihm ein paar unkonventionelle Fragen gestellt. Viel Spaß beim Lesen!

1. What is your job right now?
After graduating from ø in October 2012, I founded the food startup „Foodist“ together with my student colleague Ole Schaumberg. Today I am still in charge as CEO.
2. What was your ø highlight?
Before starting with our Bachelor thesis, Ole and I founded the “ø Entrepreneurs Club”, to encourage entrepreneurial thinking at ø and to get inspired by successful founders. The events became more and more popular and we had a lot of fun. Unfortunately, we had not chosen a worthy successor to really establish the Entrepreneurs Club at ø.

3. Do you have any tips for ø students?
From my point of view, ø provides you with a basic knowledge about management and teaches you to organise yourself, deal with time pressure and a lot of work. Looking back at what made my time at ø so special, it truly were the talented fellow students and teachers. I am proud to say that I made some real friendships.

4. If you could meet a famous personality, who would it be and why?
Jack Ma, he failed a couple of times before he founded Alibaba. The speed in which China became the world leader is fascinating and Alibaba is definitely one of the most innovative and powerful companies in the world. Moreover, Jack Ma strongly believes in the power of young people and has some really interesting theories about “work & life” in the near future.

5. What profession did your parents imagine for you?
When I was a kid, my father hoped that I would become a professional soccer player ;) Close before graduation, I told my parents that I rejected a job offer and instead would start my own company (with only 2.000 € capital and “Hartz 4”). In the beginning my parents were not really convinced about the success chances of Foodist, but they supported me right from the start, for example they helped by packing boxes during the Christmas season at the warehouse. Now most of the time they are worried about my work-life balance and hope that I stay healthy and just enjoy life.

6. Do you have a favorite place?

Life is better at the beach.

7. If you were to publish a book about your life, what title would it have?

8. Who is your childhood hero?
Batman. My second word as a child was “Gotham City” caused by the influence of my older brother ;)

9. Which three goals do you have for your future?What are your next steps in your career?
I see great potential for Foodist to have a real positive impact on society - by that I mean creating more jobs, encouraging young people to take risks and bringing innovation to the food industry. Regarding my mid- and long-term plans, I can´t decide between founding a charity foundation, get into politics with my own party, become a “Schlagersänger” or professional wrestler.

Vielen Dank, dass du dir Zeit für uns genommen hast, Alexander!

Alexander Djordjevic