Internationales, Outgoings, Incomings





Was ist Erasmus+?

Explanation of the Erasmus+ Programme

Explaining the Erasmus+ Programme as part of the European Commission

to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe.

The 2021-2027 programme places a strong focus on social inclusion, the green and digital transitions, and promoting young people’s participation in democratic life.

It supports priorities and activities set out in the European Education Area, Digital Education Action Plan and the European Skills Agenda. The programme also

  • supports the European Pillar of Social Rights
  • implements the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027
  • develops the European dimension in sport


Erasmus+ offers mobility and cooperation opportunities in

  • higher education
  • vocational education and training
  • school education (including early childhood education and care)
  • adult education
  • youth
  • sport

Erasmus+ in the higher education context

This text refers to the  page of the European Commission. 

The current Erasmus+ programme generation (2021-2027)  supports the European Union in reaching various aims in the context of education; the modernisation, internationalisation and qualitative improvement of the European higher education area; to strengthen the international competences and personal development as well as the employablity of students; to highlight the European Union as a study place, research hub and busines location; and, last but not least, to contribute to the sustainable development of higher education in countries beyond the European Union. 

And, naturally, the programme further aims to help bridges across educational sectors and intesify collaboration between different educational sectors. 

Target groups

Erasmus+ in Higher Education supports students, higher education institutions, higher education staff and non-academic partners; it also supports cooperation with schools, companies, adult education institutions and youth associations.

Inclusion and diversity are important anchors in the Erasmus+ programme. Additional financial support is available for a wide range of groups, such as students with disabilities or chronic illnesses, students with children or first-generation graduate student. Further information can be found at the; the ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû International Office is happy to answer questions in this regard.

Erasmus+ at ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû

Erasmus + Charta and Erasmus+ Policy Statement

The prerequisite for the participation of the Hamburg School of Business Administration in the Erasmus+ program is a valid Erasmus+ Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) for the current program generation (2021-2027) awarded by the EU Commission, as well as the commitment to a European+ Policy Statement / Erasmus+ Declaration on ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû Higher Education Policy.

Both documents can be viewed below.

Erasmus+ Charta

ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû's rights and responsibilites within the framework of Erasmus+ 

The European Union awarded ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû 2021 with the Erasmus+ Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027. 
The Charter sets out the basic principles and minimum requirements that higher education institutions must meet when implementing activities under Erasmus+. 

This document can be viewed on the right hand side. 

Erasmus+ Policy Statement

With our European Policy Statement (EPS), i.e. the ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû Erasmus+ Statement on Higher Education Policy, the Hamburg School of Business Administration commits itself to the core issues of European higher education and the priorities of the current Erasmus+ program generation. The statement summarises the general internationalisation strategy of the university as well as the concrete implementation of the main principles of the program sponsored by the EU Commission.

ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû's Erasmus+ Policy can be downloaded here


Student Erasmus+ Charta

The students' rights and obligations in the Erasmus+ framework 

Students will find their rights and obligations summarised in the

Erasmus+ for Students

Erasmus+ for Inbound and Outbound Students

Inbound students from abroad - ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû Outbound students go abroad

The Erasmus+ programme is run by the European Commission. Students attending a semester at a European Erasmus+ partner are eligible for funding which supports them financially. Students with impairments or inclusion needs may be eligible for additional funding as are students from non-academic backgrounds. 

Bilateral agreements between higher education institutions facilitate the exchange of students (and staff). The International Offices of the home and host university support in all matters of the exchange. The academic achievements are - after prior consultation - recognised at the home university and credits awarded. 

This (with English subtitles) briefly explains the most important points about the Erasmus+ programme from the perspective of an ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû student.

ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû students who plan to go abraod for a while (to study for a semester at a partner university, to discover a new country via an intense summer school or to work abroad at the partner company's foreign branch) check out the Outbound page which explains which steps are necessary to undertake to benefit from Erasmus+ funding. 
International students who wish to spend some time at ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû, studying and exploring Hamburg, visit our Inbound page which lays out the application process and further information. 


Erasmus+ for Faculty

Erasmus+ für die Professorenschaft

Staff Teaching Mobility

General Information

ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû receives annualy an Erasmus+ grant (upon application) to be spent on mobility for students (SMS- Student Mobility for Study Purposes- and SMP -Student Mobility for Internship Purposes), professors (STA- Staff Teaching Assignment) and staff (STT Staff Training).

This  (in German with English subtitles) from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) explains the Erasmus+ programme from a teacher's point of view. 

Achievements from a teaching stay abroad

  • professional and personal development
  • enrich the scope and content of the courses you teach on
  • exchange expertise and experience
  • strengthen links between ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû and higher education institutions in other countries
  • make ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû known across borders


Mobility for teaching purposes is eligible for funding. Research projects and/or the preparations thereof are not eligible for funding.

Teaching can only be carried out at an Erasmus+ partner institution.

Mobility Grants

Grants cover travel costs, accommodation and additional food expenses. Maximum grant rates apply depending on the destination. Expenses for the entire stay must remain within the specified budget. The grants are based on DAAD regulations in force at the time.

In order to receive Erasmus+ funds, it is necessary to prepare a teaching programme with the host institution, prepare various documents and submit them to the International Office in a timely manner.

The actual number of teaching hours will count towards the teaching load.

General conditions

At least eight teaching hours (EU regulation) must be delierevd abroad.  Additional hours are possible. If the number of hours exceeds 12, a separate consultation is needed.

Staff should briefly report on the stay abroad (Faculty Meeting).

In principle, staff is happy to receive and supervise guests from our partners in return.

Repeated Erasmus sponsorship is possible. Employees who have not yet participated in the programme get first preference for funding.

Partner institutions

A current list of ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû partner universities within the Erasmus+ program can be viewed here.

Planning steps

  • Expression of interest at the International Office
  • Consultation with manager
  • Establish contact with partner institution (if necessary, together with the International Office)
  • Arranging dates and preparing the teaching programme directly with the host contact
  • The insurance coverage must be sufficient!

Erasmus+ for ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû admin staff

Erasmus+ for ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû admin staff

Erasmus+ for ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû admin staff

Staff members from the Examination Office, Programme Management, IT, Financial Accounting, HR or the Marketing Team, among others, have the opportunity to carry out a stay abroad with Erasmus+ funding, just like students and professors. 
Whether it is a job shadowing stay of several days, a participation in an International Staff Week or in a workshop: after prior consultation, the International Office supports in arranging, planning and implementing the stay.
Stays abroad often taken place in English language, but stays at German-speaking partner institutions such as in Austria or Switzerland are an option, too, of course. 

This (in German with English subtitles) explains some of the possible achievements of a mobility and shares some examples of how university staff have benefited from their experience. 

The International Office regularly reports on options and available resources. It also provides information that the employee needs to start planning.