
Global Management & Governance (MSc)

Please note: This degree programme is currently not open for enrolment. Are you interested in a part-time study programme with a focus on management? Then we recommend our Master's degree programme in Innovation Management – Business Development (MSc), which allows you to specialise from the second semester onwards.

Study Profile

The MSc Global Management and Governance offers an applied business administration study programme with extensive scientific content. The aim of the course is to allow future specialists and managers to acquire the requisite knowledge and encourage them to think strategically and sustainably. This consecutive programme has been designed for ambitious Bachelor's graduates.

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Highlights of the Study Course

  • Focused course contents: Theoretical and analytical knowledge together with case studies and examples from practise offer the opportunity to put the theoretical learnings into practice. 

  • Specialisations for high employability: Students on this academically challenging Master’s study programme may specialise in Marketing, Human Resources, Finance or Entrepreneurship

  • Accredited quality of the study programme and the university: The study programme is accredited by the FIBAA and received the premium accreditation in 2015.

  • JOB & MASTER Programme: JOB & MASTER is a free-of-charge placement service for applicants who wish to combine a challenging academic education at ø and valuable professional experience.

  • Mentoring Programme: The ø master’s students have the opportunity to take part in the mentoring programme which experienced executives from  Hamburg offer them.

Facts on the Study Course

Students 30 per group on average
Degree Master of Science with the right to proceed to doctoral studies
Credits 120 ECTS
Language English
Course Duration 30 months, start on 1 October
Course Organisation Part-time, contact hours at extended weekends and a small number of full-time weeks
Admission Requirements Good bachelor's degree; work experience not obligatory but beneficial for JOB&MASTER-placement; B2-level in English language
Patronage and Mentoring Versammlung Eines Ehrbaren Kaufmanns zu Hamburg e.V. (VEEK; engl.: The Honourable Society of Hamburg Merchants)
Financing JOB&MASTER, additional grants
Study Fees 22.500 Euro (=750 Euro per month)*, early-bird discount of 10% if application is received by 31 May. The major part of the study fee is generally covered by the employer. Fee including examination fees, excluding costs for the study trip.
Application Process Written application, telephone interview, admission day. Applications are accepted until the maximum number of students is reached. We recommend to apply early, since grants and JOB&MASTER-places are allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis. Non-EU/EEA students should apply early to allow time for their visa application.
Accreditation FIBAA Premium Accreditation (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation) in 2015/ The programme received very good ratings, especially for overall study situation, feasibility of study courses and international orientation, in the 2014 ZEIT CHE ranking.

Impressions on the Study Course

Sebastian Greiner

"My favourite part of the Master is the diverse course selection we are offered. It helps me understand different corporate fields and see how they are interlinked. This aspect in combination with the part-time approach in the company as well as the activities, such as the study trip, made this Master's programmes the perfect choice for me."

Sebastian Greiner
MSc Global Management & Governance (Class of 2021)
Alesja Schalay ø

"To join ø and to enter the Master’s programme in Global Management & Governance has been one of the best decisions made so far. A balanced mixture of theory and practice, an international squad of professional lecturers and diverse students, a multitude of exciting encounters and opportunities and an atmosphere of mutual respect and support – that’s a shortened list of what I appreciate at ø so much!"

Alesya Schalay
MSc Global Management & Governance (Class of 2020)
Peter Reiss ø

"Given today's everchanging global landscape, it is increasingly important to comprehend the current business management and governance landscape through an open lens. The international context, case studies, and themes brought into our study programme provide a solid foundation of the environment we are currently working in and a broader outlook towards the future. Understanding  how businesses interact with one another across the world is crucial to our success and our programme's encompassing approach gives us the guidance and skills we need today and tomorrow."

Peter Reiss
MSc Global Management & Governance (Class of 2021)
Minhngoc Nguyen

"I graduated from my BSc International Management just a few months before starting my Master's studies at ø. Before this Master's programme, I have never had the chance to practice what I studied in a real business environment. With the MSc Global Management & Governance, I can pursue my degree while working at the same time! Starting my master at ø and my career in Hamburg at the same time is a challenging yet rewarding experience. I recommend it to all students who are striving to kick start their career in the heart of Hamburg!”

Minh Ngoc Nguyen
MSc Global Management & Governance (Class of 2020)
Monica Kamsi

"After finishing a BSc in International Business Management in London, I looked for a school that would enable me to combine studying and gaining practical experience in business with a focus on Human Resource Management, which I found at the ø with the MSc programme in Global Management & Governance. The lecturers have so much practical experience that just being in class will provide you with valuable insights that you cannot get elsewhere."

Monica Kamsi
MSc Global Management & Governance (Class of 2021)
Stefan Prigge

"For the MSc Global Management & Governance, we have succeeded in recruiting high-calibre professors and lecturers with a range of international experience. The ideas of internationality, business ethics and governance form a recurring theme throughout the entire course."

Prof. Dr. Stefan Prigge
Head of the Study Course MSc Global Management & Governance

Study Structure

To successfully complete the programme and be awarded the Master of Science degree, 120 ECTS must be collected. The credits are spread over twelve modules and the thesis. The study programme takes a generalist approach and covers a broad range of business administration theory as well as relevant economic and legal topics. The overlapping topics of internationality, business ethics and governance are incorporated in the modules and analysed in the respective context.

The first nine modules as well as module 12 are core modules. In modules 10 and 11, students choose between the specialisations in Marketing, Human Resources, Finance or Entrepreneurship. The degree concludes with a six-month thesis, which may relate to any area of the programme. 

Study Plan

  • Sustainable Innovation Camp
    • Ethical Reasoning and Decision-Making
    • Real Business Project
  • Decision-Making & Economic Behavior
    • Economics
    • Decision Theory
    • Game Theory
    • New Institutional Economics
    • Behavioural Economics
    • Model of the Honourable Merchant
  • International Accounting & Governance
    • Corporate Governance
    • International Financial Reporting and Auditing Standards
Cross-Module Topics: Corporate Governance | Business Ethics | Internationality | Digitalisation
  • International Politics & Economics
    • International Economics and Policy
    • International Business and Emerging Markets
  • International Strategic Management
    • International Marketing
    • Organizational Behavior across Cultures
    • Applied Quantitative Analysis
    • Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  • Digital Toolbox

    Students of all Master’s study programmes can choose one profile from the following six profiles:

    • Digital Strategy
    • Intrapreneur
    • Communication
    • Programming
    • Data Business
    • Business Process Transformation
Cross-Module Topics: Corporate Governance | Business Ethics | Internationality | Digitalisation
  • Study Trip

    Students can choose between four study trips (subject to change) and are themselves in charge of the planning, organisation and implementation of their excursion.

    • Silicon Valley (USA)
    • London (UK)
    • Brussels (Belgium)
    • Hamburg/Berlin (Germany)
  • Financial Management
    • Financial Concepts & Valuation
    • Investor Relations
    • Initial Public Offering
  • Leadership & Human Resource Management
    • Leadership Theories
    • HRM Issues in an International Environment
    • Diversity Management
    • Personal and Social Skills
  • Legal, Compliance & Business Ethics
    • Fundamental Ethical Theories
    • Risk Management and Compliance
    • Dispute Resolution Mechanisms
Cross-Module Topics: Corporate Governance | Business Ethics | Internationality | Digitalisation
  • Specialisations

    Students have the possibility to choose one out of the following specialisations:

    • Entrepreneurship
    • Finance
    • Human Resource Management
    • Marketing
  • Topical Research Issues

    Students can further deepen their knowledge in one of the following areas by compiling a home assignment that will prepare them for their Master's thesis:

    • Entrepreneurship
    • Ethics
    • Finance
    • Marketing
  • Concluding Case Study

    This module summarises the issues covered by the study course in one large case study.

Cross-Module Topics: Corporate Governance | Business Ethics | Internationality | Digitalisation
  • Master's Thesis & Colloquium

    The Thesis concludes the postgraduate programmes at ø. Its results will be presented in the final Colloquium.

Cross-Module Topics: Corporate Governance | Business Ethics | Internationality | Digitalisation
  • Entrepreneurship
    • Foundation of Entrepreneurship & Business Modelling
    • Legal Aspects of Mergers & Acquisitions
    • Family-Owned Businesses
    • Holistic SME Management


    This specialisation deals with all of the different aspects of entrepreneurship, starting with company start-ups and the management of small and medium-sized enterprises right through to innovation management and the restructuring of existing and the development of new business divisions in companies.

  • Finance
    • Advanced Concepts in Valuation
    • Derivative Instruments & Risk Management
    • Mergers & Acquisitions


    The Finance specialisation module carries on from the Financial Management module. The central learning objective is the ability to value projects, shares and entire companies.

  • Human Resource Management
    • Strategic HRM & Analytics
    • Talent Management
    • Organisational Behaviour


    The specialisation Human Resources offers a well-founded overview of central tasks of talent management as well as the goals and the focus of human resource management in a successful company. Selected current topics that are of particular importance due to demographic changes and increasing digitalisation are looked at in detail in special sessions.

  • Marketing
    • Marketing Performance
    • Customer Management
    • Social Media Marketing
    • Innovation Management


    This specialisation deals in depth with three core aspects of marketing. In all three parts, scientific models are introduced that serve to quantify interrelations in marketing.

Cross-Module Topics: Corporate Governance | Business Ethics | Internationality | Digitalisation

Partner Companies
