Master-Studierende der ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû

Business Development

Master of Science – part-time

Part-time postgraduate degree programme with a focus on business planning and innovation

Business Development – Master's Programme in Hamburg

Part-time postgraduate degree programme with a focus on business planning, corporate management, innovation

Please note: This degree programme is currently not open for enrolment. Are you interested in a part-time study programme with a focus on business development and innovation? Then we recommend our Master's degree programme in Innovation Management – Business Development (MSc), which allows you to specialise in business development from the second semester onwards.

This part-time Master of Science, taught entirely in English, focuses on business planning and innovation in a digitalised and globalised world. Students will learn to apply advanced tools and processes, including collecting and analysing numerical data in large quantities, when developing new products and services. Knowledge in applied maths and stats is equally important in this context as are negotiation and project management skills. Students learn to run complex projects successfully, structure change processes and actively embrace and design digital thinking in companies.

Master of Science
120 ECTS
Programme Start
1 October each year
Study duration:
2.5 years (30 months)

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The academic head Prof. Dr. Johns explains the focus and the special features of the parte-time postgraduate degree programme in Business Development (MSc).

Key Features

Key Features & Highlights of the Master's programme

  • Multiple case studies

  • Several real-life projects

  • Teaching methods include Design Thinking, Kanban, Agile and Scrum

  • Study trip to an international destination in the 3rd semester

  • Digital Innovation Lab: unique offering to teach ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû's students digital tools and strategies

  • JOB & MASTER Service: JOB & MASTER is a free-of-charge placement service for applicants who wish to combine a challenging academic education at ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû with valuable professional experience.

  • Mentoring Programme: Students are matched with experienced ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû Alumni from the Hamburg business community, offering to be ideal sparring partners / role models.

  • Campus in the heart of Hamburg

Study Organisation and Programme Structure

Business Development (Master of Science) at ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû

To successfully complete the programme and be awarded the Master of Science degree, 120 ECTS must be collected. The credits are spread over ten modules in the first year and seven modules (Digital Toolbox / Master's elective) in the second study year. The programme concludes with the thesis. Teaching takes place on extended weekends and during a few full-time weeks per semester. On average, the weekly study workload amounts to 15 to 20 hours.

Plan of Study & Course Content

  • Innovation Management

    Understanding how innovation leads to market success is key for business development and management. As such, the course will lay the foundations of innovation management by introducing models for understanding the diffusion process of innovation within society.

  • Entre-/Intrapreneurship

    The entrepreneurial mind-set appears in different forms: Entrepreneurship, Intrapreneurship, Corporate Entrepreneurship, Corporate Venturing and Social Entrepreneurship. The perspective on entre-/intrapreneurship follows an approach cross-industry, cross-functionally and interdisciplinary, independently from organisational forms and sizes. A brief outlook on global perspectives on entrepreneurship in addition increases awareness about differences caused by cultural influences and different ecosystems (e.g. Silicon Valley, Germany, Silicon China etc.).

  • Data Analysis & Statistics

    This module teaches students about distributions, tests, data architecture, SQL, big data approaches, significance and stochastic modelling.

  • Applied Econometrics

    This module aims to introduce students into the data-driven and results-oriented quantitative modelling of econometrics. Widely spread models of Statistics and Econometrics are considered. The goal is to provide students with an understanding of the rational of quantitative models through applications as well as to apprehend the limitations of such modelling. Furthermore, the students should be able to develop their own applications by analysing a problem, making the necessary assumptions and synthesising knowledge gained into a meaningful result-oriented application.

  • Product Management

    The definition of markets and the application of appropriate marketing to specific products is undergoing crucial changes. This module familiarises students with the potential of product management in today’s world. Insights will be gained from data management and applied to well-designed customer experiences.

  • Service and Product Design

    Understanding the needs of users and pivot toward well-designed solutions through ideation, prototyping and testing is therefore the focus of this course. The application of design challenges and product/ service designs is implemented in student projects working in a design lab setting.

  • Project Management

    Students will be familiarised with the latest methods and developments in project management. In the key part of this module students will learn to apply Design Thinking, Kanban, PPS, Scrum and other methods to project management. A particular focus will be on visualisation and a variety of supportive IT tools.

  • Case Studies in Innovation

    This module uses illustrative case studies to emphasize learnings from previous modules and introduces concepts that will be treated in depth in later modules. Theoretical concepts of innovation will be in investigated upon their possible applicability in a real-life environment.

  • Scientific Methods & Competences

    In this introductory module, students learn the soft skills that are necessary to succeed in the professional world. Therefore, topics such as Academic Writing, LaTeX, Persuasive Communication, and Persuasive Presentations are combined.

  • Study Trip

    Students can choose between four study trips (subject to change) and are themselves in charge of the planning, organisation and implementation of their excursion.

    • Silicon Valley (USA)
    • London (UK)
    • Brussels (Belgium)
    • Hamburg/Berlin (Germany)
Cross-Module Topics: Digitalisation | Presentation Skills | Project Management Tools | Business Strategies
  • Digital Economics

    The topic of this module is to identify the impact of digital technologies and innovations on firm behaviour, business models and market outcomes. Special emphasis will be put on networks and platforms. Finally, the module will discuss the benefits and possible pitfalls of digitisation for the economy and will furthermore address the topic of regulation and government intervention in digital markets.

  • Strategic Business Development

    This module has the focus on different approaches of how to manage business development initiatives for sustainable success. On the one hand there is the understanding and shaping of organisations, on the other hand of understanding and developing people within any transformation as individual, as team and as collective.

  • International Finance

    This course will enable participants to support the right financing decisions, communicate effectively with investors, optimise the financial result, and, more importantly, contribute to the strategic success of a company.

  • Sustainable Innovation Business Highlights

    This module introduces the topics sustainability and compliance. Both are cross-sectoral themes relevant to managers, employees and other stakeholders of any type of organisation. Fundamental theories and definitions of both topics will be introduced and potentials for business development and innovation as well as challenges and opportunities for investors and other actors in financial markets discussed.

  • Digital Innovation Lab

    Students can choose one of the following six profiles:

    • Digital Strategy
    • Intrapreneur
    • Communication
    • Programming
    • Data Business
    • Business Process Transformation

    Elective modules will take place if the minimum number of participants has been reached.

  • Consulting Project I

    In small groups, students are assigned a project for a partner company. The company provides the real-life context of a challenge. The groups act as consultants to the company and present a consistent solution for the challenge at the end of the semester to the company. The groups are assisted by professors in their analytical, strategic and preparatory work.

  • Consulting Project II

    In small groups, students are assigned a project for a partner company. The company provides the real-life context of a particular challenge. The groups act as consultants to the company and present a consistent solution for the challenge at the end of the semester to the company. The groups are assisted by professors in their analytical, strategic and preparatory work.

    Alternatively, groups of students may also develop a start-up project without direct company association. These projects need to be presented in advance to a professor and proposed jointly to the head of the programme.

  • Research Seminar Business Development

    This research seminar prepares students for their master thesis.

Cross-Module Topics: Digitalisation | Presentation Skills | Project Management Tools | Business Strategies
  • Master's Thesis & Colloquium

    The Thesis concludes the postgraduate programmes at ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû. Its results will be presented in the final Colloquium.

Cross-Module Topics: Digitalisation | Presentation Skills | Project Management Tools | Business Strategies

The core modules focus on designing successful business models and deploying innovation in a changing world. Students learn to organise a company strategically and financially, while dealing with challenges and change, applying careful analysis at all times. In the Project modules students act as consultants, facing real-life problems and thereby applying theory in praxis.

Basic modules include Project Management where concepts such as Design Thinking, Scrum or Agile are taught. Data Analysis & Statistics focusses on IT tools, delving deep into maths and stats with strict relation to business reality. Negotiation techniques and research methods are acquired in Scientific Methods & Competences, conveying methodological and analytical skills. Eventually, students shall have a solid understanding of their career path will have a more intrapreneurial or entrepreneurial touch

Sustainable Innovation, Digital Economics and Applied Econometrics highlight the need for embracing digitalisation and provide a combination of mathematically well-grounded method-building and wide-ranging applied work with data – often with a strong touch of the 17 sustainability goals of the UN. Students gain an international perspective on business development during their Study Trip, a module which takes the cohort abroad and initiates a discourse with business leaders in other countries.

Students from across both postgraduate courses learn together in the Digital Innovation Lab which is a unique offering on digital tools and strategies.

* Please note that electives only run if the minimum number of participants has been reached.

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MSc Business Development - Das sagen unsere Studierenden.

Selection of our Lecturers

Jennifer Duseux-Brune

Jennifer Duseux-Brune


Modules: Organisation, Project Management, Business Administration


Career Prospects

A Master's degree in Business Development offers graduates career opportunities in various industries, such as logistics, finance, technology or healthcare. They can work as business development managers, management consultants, strategy and innovation managers or project managers, solving complex business problems, identifying new business opportunities and optimising business processes. With their skills and knowledge, they are sought-after experts who help companies succeed.

Ece Piber, ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû

"I can sincerely say that ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû offers a very lively, comfortable and fun environment to study. After my Erasmus semester in ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû nearly three years ago, I knew I had to return to fully benefit from the innovative study structures, incredibly qualified and successful professors, warm, helpful staff and the international environment at ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû. What I enjoy most is the entrepreneurial context of our courses. It helps us reach an entrepreneurial, growth-mindset that can easily be applied on an intrapreneurial level too."

Ece Irmak Piber
MSc Business Development (Class of 2021)
Lukas Bilowitzki, ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû

"The MSc Business Development at ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû combine the foundations of business administration with the tools of modern entrepreneurship. Focusing on the innovative and digital business world of the 21st century, the degree programmes provide students with the opportunities and skills to master the challenges of the future."

Lukas Bilowitzki
MSc Business Development (Class of 2021)
Louisa Konrad, ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû

"The study group is very diverse and international, so we all benefit from our different individual experiences. Teamwork is great and we can rely on each other even in difficult situations such as exam times."

Louisa Konrad
MSc Business Development (Class of 2022)
Jannik Pokar, ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû

"Business Development in the digital age plays a fundamental role in the existence and evolution of our modern society and it has increased in importance. I am convinced the MSc in Business Development is the perfect programme to push every business career to the next level."

Jannik Pokar
MSc Business Development (Class of 2022)
Fernanda Suarez, ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû

"Being part of the MSc Business Development programme at ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû has been a great opportunity for me to develop my hard and soft skills. The programme has enabled me to implement innovative and digital tools to my current work and I am looking forward to apply them into the design of my own business model at a time when the advance of digitalisation is unmistakable."

Fernanda Suarez Jaimes
MSc Business Development (Class of 2022)

Order your programme brochure for free

Want to learn more about our part-time Master's programmes? Request your free brochure here.

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Any Questions?

We are happy to help you personally!

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Juliane Michaelis
Juliane Michaelis

Manager Student Recruitment & Company Relations

+49 40 822160-932

Ask a student

Would you like to address your questions directly to our students? Please contact Muriel Spanke (MSc Business Development) and Florian Kriz (MSc Digital Transformation & Sustainability) by e-mail. The two Master students will be happy to answer your questions!

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Partner Companies

More than 300 cooperation companies support ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû

Liesner & Co. GmbH
BERENBERG Joh. Berenberg, Gossler & Co. KG
agiles Informationssysteme GmbH
Beiersdorf AG
MPC Capital AG
Deloitte GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
ZELOS Management Consultants
Alsterbuben GmbH
Sievert Baustoffe GmbH & Co. KG
Metroplan Production Management GmbH
Philips GmbH Market DACH
Encavis AG
WTS Advisory AG
Barclays Bank Ireland PLC Hamburg Branch
Help Tech GmbH
Smartseller GmbH & Co. KG
Hamburger Hafen und Logistik Aktiengesellschaft
PwC PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
REM Capital
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
TUI Cruises GmbH
Lother GmbH
Strenger Holding GmbH
Maersk Deutschland A/S & Co. KG
leogistics GmbH
Innovabee GmbH
Metroplan Holding GmbH
Reemtsma Cigarettenfabriken GmbH
Brightpoint Fund Services GmbH
wpbf GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft


Frequently asked questions about the Master's programme at ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû

Is it possible to study the courses part-time or full-time?

The MSc programmes are part-time - so you study while working. The MBA can be studied part-time or full-time. Depending on the Master's programme, courses are held on individual weekdays or extended weekends and in individual full-time weeks in Hamburg.

When can I apply for a Master's programme at ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû?

Applications are possible at any time. However, since ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû only has limited study places and funding programmes are sometimes awarded after receipt of the application, and visa processes can take a long time, we recommend an early application for your Master's programme. If you want to apply for the JOB & MASTER offer at the same time, we recommend an early application to our university due to the longer procedure.

When do the courses in the Master's programmes take place?

In the Master's programme Innovation Management (MSc), the courses take place on extended weekends and in individual full-time weeks at the ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû in Hamburg. In the Master's programme Digital Transformation & Sustainability (MSc), the courses take place on two attendance days and in two full-time weeks at the ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû in Hamburg. On the Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme, courses take place on two attendance days and in two full-time weeks. The other days are reserved for company visits, language courses and an accompanying cultural programme (Hamburg and the surrounding area).

Questions?Juliane Michaelis
Juliane Michaelis

Juliane Michaelis

Manager Student Recruitment & Company Relations
+49 40 822160-932

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