Dr. Hans Jaich

Short Profile

Hans Jaich is a doctoral student in the area of ​​Sustainability Management & Ethics and the topic for his thesis is the implications of a growth-limited economy for operational success factors and strategic action options. Prof. Dr. Sarah Jastram at ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû is his supervisor. At the TU Berlin, Hans Jaich is supervised by Prof. Dr. Knut Blind.


Journal articles (refereed)

Jaich, Hans. 2022. "Linking environmental management and employees' organizational identification: The mediating role of environmental attitude." Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management  29(2): 305-315.

Jaich, Hans, Sarah Jastram, and Knut Blind. 2022. "Organizational Practices as Drivers of Societal Change: Contextual Spillover Effects of Environmental Management on Employees’ Public Sphere Pro-Environmental Behavior." Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal  13(6): . https://doi.org/10.1108/SAMPJ-11-2021-0478.

Book chapters

Jaich, Hans. 2022. "Verhandlungssache Normalität: Wie Arbeitsklima und Führungskräfte das Sozial- und Umweltverhalten von Mitarbeitenden prägen." In Green Company Transformation, ed. by Prieß, Arne, . Haufe Group.