Dr. Felix Wasser

Short Profile

Felix attained a Bachelor of Science in Communication and Media Management at the Business and Information Technology School. During his Bachelor studies he spent a semester abroad at the London Metropolitan University. Afterwards, he graduated in Politics, Economics and Philosophy (M.Sc.) at the University of Hamburg. Throughout his studies, he has been working in the field of media planning. Currently, he is engaged at Carat as Group Head Communication Consulting.

In January 2017, he started his doctorate at ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû as well as at the University of Southern Denmark in Esbjerg and plans to finish it within three years. Within the framework of his doctoral thesis, which is supervised by Prof. Goetz Greve (ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû) and Prof. Oliver Schnittka (SDU), he deals with the topic of efficiency improvement in the context of communication. This applies, for example, to the different cultural conditions of countries and the resulting varying approaches in the usage of mass media. Interesting is not only the subject itself, but also the high proximity of his research and practical work, since this field of research has a high relevance for his professional activities.


  • Quantitative Methods

Research Areas

  • Dissertation Topic: Enhancing Communication Efficiency: A multi-level approach.
  • Media Planning
  • Intercultural Communication


Conference proceedings

Wasser, F.,O. Schnittka, G. Greve, J. Hofmann, and M. Johnen. 2021. "Know your enemy: How competitive advertising investments moderate advertising effectiveness in high- and low-informative media channels." .

Wasser, Felix, Goetz Greve, Oliver Schnittka, Johnen Marius, and Julia Hofmann. 2020. "Analysis of brand personality as a moderator of advertising effectiveness." Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy, 49th.