Prof. Dr. Susanne Hensel-Börner

Professor of Business Administration with a focus on Marketing

Short Profile

Susanne Hensel-Börner has been Professor for Business Administration Theory, in particular Marketing and Sales,  since 2009 and has been appointed Head of Department Marketing & Sales in 2012. She is instigator of the innovative master programme MSc Digital Transformation & Sustainability.

She earned a degree in business administration at University of Stuttgart and Kiel University and worked as Unilever endowed chair of Business Administration and Marketing at Friedrich-Schiller University in Jena. There, she alsocompleted her doctorate studies with distinction in 2000 on the topic of the validity of computerised hybrid conjoint analyses.
Before joining ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû, Professor Hensel-Börner held positions at fluxx.com e-commerce GmbH and the market research institute KANTAR TNS.

The digital transformation in the fields of marketing and sales and the resulting changes for higher education teaching and research is one of Prof. Hensel-Börner’s focal points. She is member of the scientific advisory board at the German Direct Selling Association (Bundesverband Deutscher Direktvertrieb‘).


  • Data-based Decision-Making
  • Data Science
  • Applied Quantitative Analysis
  • Project- and Research-based Learning
  • Learning Journey
  • Personal Selling
  • B2B-Marketing
  • Marketing Research

Research Areas

  • Interdisciplinary collaboration between Marketing, Sales and IT
  • Digitalization in personal selling
  • Digitalization & Sustainability: From competition to collaboration
  • Preference Measurement / Conjoint Analysis
  • Problem-based Learning (PBL)



Journal articles (refereed)

Hübscher, Chiara, Susanne Hensel-Börner, and Jörg Henseler. 2024. "Marketing education for sustainable development." Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC  28(3): 310-333. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/SJME-06-2022-0131/full/html.

Graesch, Jan Philipp, Hensel-Börner Susanne, Henseler, Jörg. 2024. "Customer success management through alignment of marketing, sales and IT." Industrial Marketing Management  120: 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indmarman.2024.05.004.

Susanne Hensel-Börner, Heinz L. Kretzenbacher. 2024. "Pronominal Adress in German Sales Talk: Effects on the Perception of the Salesperson." ³¾»å±è¾±Ìý 10: 316. 10.3390.

Hölter, Kaisu; Susanne Hensel-Börner, Inga Schmidt-Ross and Johanna Schnurr. 2023. "Lernen außerhalb des Hörsaals. Die Sustainability Challenge als Beitrag zur Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung." Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung  18 (4): 275-294.

Hübscher, Chiara, Susanne, Hensel-Börner, and Jörg Henseler. 2021. "Social marketing and higher education: partnering to achieve sustainable development goals." Journal of Social Marketing  12 (1): 76-104. https://doi.org/10.1108/JSOCM-10-2020-0214.

Hensel-Börner, Susanne, und Udo Kords. 2021. "Kundenansprache im persönlichen Verkauf - Duzen bringt keine Vorteile." Marketing Review St. Gallen, Direct-to-Consumer-Strategien  6.2021: 57-63.

Graesch, Jan Philipp; Hensel-Börner, Susanne; Henseler, Jörg. 2020. "Information technology and marketing: an important partnership for decades." Industrial Management & Data Systems  121 (1): 123–157. 10.1108/IMDS-08-2020-0510.

Hensel-Börner, Susanne, Schmidt-Ross, Inga and Wolfgang Merkle. 2018. "Digitale Transformation – Erweiterung der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Marketing und Sales um einen dritten Player." Marketing Review St. Gallen  3/2018: 20-26.

Sattler, Henrik, Karen Gedenk, and Susanne Hensel-Börner. 2002. "Bandbreiten-Effekte bei multivariaten Entscheidungen: Ein empirischer Vergleich von alternativen Verfahren zur Bestimmung von Eigenschaftsgewichten." Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft (ZfB)  72 (9): 953-977.

Sattler, Henrik, Susanne Hensel-Börner, and Beate Krüger. 2001. "Einfluß der Probanden-Charakteristika auf die Validität von Conjoint-Analysen: Neue empirische Befunde." Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft (ZfB)  71 (7): 771-787.

Hensel-Börner, Susanne, and Henrik Sattler. 2000. "Ein empirischer Validitätsvergleich zwischen der Customized Computerized Conjoint Analysis (CCC), der Adaptive Conjoint Analysis (ACA) und Self-Explicated-Verfahren." Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft (ZfB)  70 (6): 705-727.

Monographs and edited books

Hensel-Börner, Susanne. 2000. Validität computergestützer hybrider Conjoint-Analysen. Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitätsverlag.

Journal articles (non-refereed) / newspaper

Merkle, Wolfgang, Hensel-Börner, Susanne and Inga Schmidt-Ross. 2018. "Das Team auf Kurs bringen." ²Ñ²¹°ù°ì±ð²Ô²¹°ù³Ù¾±°ì±ð±ôÌý 5/2018: 75-77.

Book chapters

Graesch, Jan Philipp, Susanne Hensel-Börner and Jörg Henseler. 2022. "Digital Transformation in Sales and Marketing Departments: An Integrated Overview and Directions for Organizations and Further Research." In Sales Enablement als Fundament des Vertriebserfolgs. FOM-Edition, ed. by Westphal, Jörg, Jobst Görne, Christian Schmitz, . Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Geringer, Tim, Sonja Wendt, and Susanne Hensel-Börner. 2021. "Corporate Social Responsibility Online: Designing high-performance Websites simultaneously reducing their CO2-Emission Impact." In Handbook of Climate Change Management, ed. by Leal Filho, Walter, Johannes Luetz, and Desalegn Ayal, . Basel: Springer Gabler Verlag..

Jacobs, Luise and Susanne Hensel-Börner. 2020. "Die Kraft effektiver Daten-Visualisierung – CLEAR(I): Ein Leitfaden zur wirkungsvollen Dashboard-Gestaltung." In Data-driven Marketing. Insights aus Wissenschaft und Praxis, ed. by Boßow-Thies, Silvia, Hofmann-Stölting, Christina and Heike Jochims, 43 - 75. Wiesbaden: Spinger Gabler.

Sattler, Henrik, and Susanne Hensel-Börner. 2007. "Comparison of Conjoint Measurement with Self-Explicated Approaches." In Conjoint Measurement: Methods and Applications, ed. by Gustafsson, A., A. Herrmann, and F. Huber, 147-159. Berlin.

Conference proceedings

Graesch, Jan Philipp, Susanne Hensel-Börner, and Jörg Henseler. 2023. "Alignment throughout the Customer Journey - Shaping the Marketing, Sales, IT interface." Paper presented at the AMA Winter Academic Conference, Nashville, TN, 10-12 February, 2023.

Greve, Goetz, and Susanne Hensel-Börner. 2014. "Building brands with social media - analysis of a brand launch on Facebook." Proceedings of the 9th SIMSR Global Marketing Conference.

Hensel-Börner, Susanne, and Henrik Sattler. 1999. "Validity of the Customized Computerized Conjoint Analysis (CCC)." Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy.

Hensel-Börner, Susanne, and Henrik Sattler. 1999. "Validity of Customized and Adaptive Hybrid Conjoint Analysis: Classification and Information Processing at the Turn of the Millenium." Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 23. Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Klassifikation e.V..

Conference presentations

Hensel-Börner, Susanne, and Inga Schmidt-Ross. 2023. "Sustainability Challenge - ein flexibles und wertvolles Lern-Lehr-Format für Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE)." Presentation held at the Jahrestagung des Hochschulnetzwerkes Bildung durch Verantwortung an der Hochschule für Nachhaltige Entwicklung, Eberswalde, 21.-22.09.2023.

Österle, Benjamin, Chiara Hübscher, Susanne Hensel-Börner, and Jörg Henseler. 2023. "A Research Agenda on the UN Sustainable Development Goals in B2B Branding: An Abstract." Presentation held at the Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, New Orleans, USA, 17-19 May 2023.

Hensel-Börner, Susanne. 2020. "Hochwertige Bildung für eine digitale Welt – wie kann sie aussehen und was sich ändern muss." Presentation held at the DIV 2020 und nachhaltig digital Jahreskonferenz, Online Konferenz, 09-12 November 2020.

Schmidt-Ross, Inga and Hensel-Börner, Susanne. 2019. "Ansteigende Aggregationsstufen im Prüfungsformat für Project Based Learning." Presentation held at the Prüfen Hoch³ - Fachtagung an der Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, 16 - 17 May.

Kretzenbacher, Leo and Susanne Hensel-Börner. 2019. "Sales encounters and pronominal address in German: a survey." Presentation held at the 5th Conference of the International Network of Address Research, Sheffield, Yorkshire, England, 5/7 June 2019.

Greve, Goetz, and Susanne Hensel-Börner. 2014. "Building brands with social media - analysis of a brand launch on Facebook." Presentation held at the 9th SIMSR Global Marketing Conference, Januar, 6th – 8th, Mumbai, India.

Working papers

Boll, Christina, Hensel-Börner, Susanne, Hoffmann, Malte, and Nora Reich. 2013. "Wachsender Pflegebedarf in Hamburg - Situation erwerbstätiger Pflegender und Herausforderungen für Hamburger Unternehmen." Working paper, HWWI Policy Paper 78.

Other Publications / Presentations

Hensel-Börner, Susanne. 2017. "Erfolgreich im modernen Dreikampf." Marketing Innovation Day 2017. Hamburg, 12.07.2017.