Prof. Dr. Florian Elert

Professor of Business Administration with a focus on Insurance

Short Profile

Prof. Dr. Florian Elert is responsible for the practice-oriented teaching and research in the field of insurance management at ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû and is the head of the Bachelor's programme Insurance Management. In addition to his teaching activities, he conducts workshops, seminars, individual training for decision makers and studies for the insurance industry at ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû and regularly gives lectures at industry events. His research focuses on the following topics: effects of digitalisation on business models in the insurance industry, digital transformation of insurance companies and distributors as well as business model innovation in the insurance industry. He is the founder and organiser of the Hamburg Insurance Innovation Day a platform for insurer Vertrieb und InsurTechs as well as Founder and technical director of the in Hamburg of an implementation-oriented digitalisation initiative for the insurance industry.

Prof. Dr. Florian Elert studied business administration at the University of Cologne with a focus on insurance science and then obtained his doctorate from the University of Leipzig at the Chair of Insurance Business Administration on the subject area "Value-oriented corporate management of insurance companies". He has many years of professional experience in teaching and insurance practice as a manager. For several years he been responsible for the Chair of Insurance Management at ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû.

Lecturers in the minor Insurance Management

Hamburg Insurance Innovation Day

The 5th Hamburg Insurance Innovation Day will again take place at the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce on 10 September 2024. As in previous years, decision-makers will speak about current topics, start-ups and innovative companies will present their solutions for the insurance industry in short presentations and there will be a panel discussion on the future of insurance distribution.

More Information

Impressions from the HIID

Students on Excursion in London

Again this year, the insurance specialisation was on excursion in London. The students visited the Startup Bootcamp Insurance, Munich Re, Allianz Global and Specialty, Lloyd's of London and Aon Inpoint. The aim of the excursion was to get to know the English insurance market and its special features, as well as gain insights into an international accelerator programme for the insurance industry. The journey was supported by the VfVH - Association for the Promotion of Insurance Science in Hamburg.

Studienexkursion nach London: Der nebenberufliche Bachelor-Studiengang Versicherungsmanagement in London

Auch im Rahmen unseres nebenberuflichen Bachelorstudiengang Versicherungsmanagement haben die Studierenden eine Exkursion nach London unternommen. Die Studierenden besuchten die drei InsurTechs KASKO, LAKA und FLOCK sowie das Traditionsunternehmen Lloyd’s London und AIG. Ziel der Exkursion ist der Austausch und Dialog mit dem internationalen und speziell dem Londoner Versicherungsmarktes und dessen Besonderheiten sowie das Kennenlernen von Startups in der Branche.

Verleihung des Excellence Award des Vereins zur Förderung der Versicherungswissenschaften Hamburg e.V.

Auch in diesem Jahr ist im Business Club Hamburg der Excellence Award des Vereins zur Förderung der Versicherungswissenschaften Hamburg e.V. für hervorragende akademische Leistungen verliehen wurden. Zwei Studenten der ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû aus der Spezialisierung Risiko- und Versicherungsmanagement wurde der Excellence Award in der Kategorie Bachelorarbeiten verliehen.

Empirical Study on Digital Risk Management in Health, Mobility and Living Published

Prof. Dr. Florian Elert has recently published the study "Digital Risk Management in Health, Mobility and Living - Opportunities and Challenges for the Insurance Industry - The View of Generation Y".

The digitalisation creates the prerequisite to provide future services that help improve the customer's sense of security, reduce the risk of illness and death as well as save time and money. A result of the study by Florian Elert shows that Generation Y has a partial great interest in this form of digital services.

The study can be requested free of charge here: versicherung(at)hsba.de


Interview with Professor Elert

The magazine "Versicherungswirtschaft" in the edition number ten published the following interview on the dual studies at ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû in the area of insurance with Prof. Dr. Elert (in German) in October 2016.

Interview with the "Versicherungswirtschaft": "Karriere sichern"


  • Insurance Management
  • Accounting Management

Research Areas

  • Current Developments in Insurance Sales
  • Digital Business Models in Insurance
  • Generation Y and Insurance
  • Business Model Innovation and Development

Executive Education: Insurance Knowhow for Beginners

The business models of insurance companies are very different from other sectors. Both the production, sales and control processes as well as the products, the concepts and key figures used are characterised by sector specifics of the insurance industry.

Our seminar helps your employees to quickly understand the main topics and questions of the insurance industry, to be able to derive the relationships between the individual topics and to safely apply the essential concepts of the insurance sector.

The seminar is characterised by a high practical relevance.

More Informationen


Journal articles (non-refereed) / newspaper

Elert, Florian. 2016. "Im digitalen Kosmos der Versicherer." ³Õ±ð°ù²õ¾±³¦³ó±ð°ù³Ü²Ô²µ²õ·É¾±°ù³Ù²õ³¦³ó²¹´Ú³ÙÌý 3/2016: 18-20.

Elert, Florian, Daniela Fischer, Lars Riebow, and Jan-Helge Weimann. 2012. "Social Media in der Versicherungswirtschaft – Status Quo und Ausblick." Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen  1/2012: 17-20.

Bhayani, Bharat, Florian Elert, Klaus Mattar, and Fred Wagner. 2011. "Geschäftsmodelle in der Lebensversicherung im Umbruch – Status Quo und Ausblick (I)." ³Õ±ð°ù²õ¾±³¦³ó±ð°ù³Ü²Ô²µ²õ·É¾±°ù³Ù²õ³¦³ó²¹´Ú³ÙÌý 1/2011: 37-38.

Bhayani, Bharat, Florian Elert, Klaus Mattar, and Fred Wagner. 2011. "Geschäftsmodelle in der Lebensversicherung im Umbruch – Status Quo und Ausblick (II)." ³Õ±ð°ù²õ¾±³¦³ó±ð°ù³Ü²Ô²µ²õ·É¾±°ù³Ù²õ³¦³ó²¹´Ú³ÙÌý 2/2011: 99-101.

Wagner, Fred, Florian Elert, and Sabine Schmidt. 2011. "Geschäftsmodelle von Internetvergleichsportalen – Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie zu einem stark wachendem Markt." ³Õ±ð°ù²õ¾±³¦³ó±ð°ù³Ü²Ô²µ²õ·É¾±°ù³Ù²õ³¦³ó²¹´Ú³ÙÌý 16/2011: 1177-1179.

Wagner, Fred, Florian Elert, and Sabine Schmidt. 2011. "Internetvergleichsportale – Auf die richtigen Fragen kommt es an." ³Õ±ð°ù²õ¾±³¦³ó±ð°ù³Ü²Ô²µ²õ·É¾±°ù³Ù²õ³¦³ó²¹´Ú³ÙÌý 5/2011: 1108-1110.

Book chapters

Elert, Florian. 2019. "Digitalisierung des Geschäftsmodells Versicherung – Potenziale von digitalen Assistance-Dienstleistungen." In Handbuch Versicherungsmarketing, ed. by Michael Reich and Christopher Zerres, . Berlin Heidelberg: Springer.

Other Publications / Presentations

Elert, Florian. 2020. "InsurTechs: Innovative Technologieanbieter für die Versicherungswirtschaft. Eine Studie von der Praxis für die Praxis." sum.cumo (hrsg). Bei Interesse an der Studie bitte E-Mail Anfrage an: isabell.rath@hsba.de.

Elert, Florian. 2019. "Digitales Risikomanagement in den Lebensbereichen Gesundheit, Mobilität und Wohnen." Empirische Studie zum Umgang der Generation Y mit der Versicherungswirtschaft.

Elert, Florian. 2017. "Digitales Risikomanagement in den Lebensbereichen Gesundheit, Mobilität und Wohnen - Chancen und Herausforderungen für die Versicherungswirtschaft - Die Sicht der Generation Y." Empirische Studie zum Umgang der Generation Y mit der Versicherungswirtschaft..

Elert, Florian. 2016. "Interview durch Rafael Kurz zum Thema Digitalisierung in der Versicherungswirtschaft: „Generation Y: Forscher fühlt Branchen-Hype auf den Zahn." Versicherungswirtschaft heute. Tagesreport März 2016.

Wagner, Fred, Florian Elert, and Sabine Schmidt. 2011. "Studie: „Internetvergleichsportale - Empirische Studie zur Transparenz und zu den Geschäftsmodellen“." Leipzig.

Bhayani, Bharat, Florian Elert, Klaus Mattar, Sabine Schmidt, and Fred Wagner. 2010. "Gegenwind? Geschäftsmodelle in der Lebensversicherung." Leipzig: IfVW.  (Study / Whitepaper)

Wagner, Fred, Florian Elert, David Klimmek, and Marlene Wiese. 2010. "Studie: Marktstudie Assistance." Leipzig.

Wagner, Fred, Florian Elert, Lars Riebow, and Sabine Schmidt. 2010. "Studie: Strukturen, Organisationformen und Rechtsformen in der Ausschließlichkeit." Leipzig.  (Study / Whitepaper)