Christian Hanuscheck

Short Profile

Christian Hanuscheck has been working on his doctorate in the Finance & Accounting Department at the Hamburg School of Business Administration since October 2023. He is supervised by ÑÇÖÞÌìÌø£Àû Professor André Küster Simic and Professor Gabriel Frahm from Helmut Schmidt University. He is researching the influence of environmental, social and governance (ESG) parameters on the capital markets.

Christian Hanuscheck works at Hamburg Commercial Bank in the capital markets department in FX, moneymarket and fixed-income trading. Previously, he gained experience in the financial services sector during his dual Bachelor's degree at an insurance company and then as a consultant for a Big 4 company on a wide range of projects. With his Master of Science in Finance he was able to further deepen his knowledge of capital markets and finance.

Research Areas

  • Capital Markets
  • Portfoliomanagement